2020 has been a bit of a write-off for live events, but when I heard that my local Hoe Street Market were arranging a virtual Christmas Market during the first weekend of December, I jumped at the opportunity to take part! Not only is it lovely to be supported by Kate, who organises the market pretty much single-handedly, but it's also an honour to be selling my novel amongst such a great group of artisans.
During the event I will be selling signed copies of my novel Outreach for £6 (or two copies for £10). If you are interested in buying a signed copy please contact me here or via Twitter, Instagram or good old Facebook. Additionally, my lovely publishers The Book Guild are offering 35% off orders from their website when you check out using the code HOEST until 13th December. Bargain! Follow the market on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date on offers from a bunch of fantastic traders and to hear more about future events arranged by Kate in 2021 and beyond... |