I must admit, the prospect of not being able to write over the weekend did send me into a bit of a panic – not only did I want to keep up with the weekly blogging and novel writing but I had planned to send out an electronic newsletter too (now postponed until next weekend – watch this space!) But I soon got over it and had a very pleasant weekend feeling fairly relaxed and – dare I say it? – content. You see, I think I am starting to see the light. After a fraught few months I have bemoaned my plight to enough people (guys – sorry!) to start to get my head around it all. I knew something had to give – but I wasn’t sure what. ![]() Then, after a smashing cup of tea with Dr Emina on Saturday afternoon, I went down to East Dulwich to visit The House of Dreams Museum – an art installation by artist Stephen Wright. Over the last 15 years, Stephen has been turning his home – as in the bricks and mortar of his house – into a visual diary. Visually inspired by places including Mexico and Barcalona and spiritually guided by the bereavement of not only his partner but both his parents within a ridiculously short amount of time, his home has become a record of his life. The ground floor of his terraced house has been consumed by the project, which has now spilled into both the back and front gardens. Stephen describes only one room as “complete”, but each and every room has become a mosaic of seemingly randon items thrown together (yet every last bottle top, doll’s head and vinyl record has some significance to the artist) to create a space radiating with energy. Needless to say I was blown away by the place – and massively curious to learn more from the artist. We chatted whilst I marvelled, mostly about the museum (which the National Trust will take over once complete) but also about our creative processes – and what stood in the way of them. Full of inspiration and slowly realising that something was going badly wrong in my own artisitc life, I headed to the Southbank for a walk before I met my friend – and for a good long think. By the time I got to Vauxhall, it was all starting to make a bit more sense – and I felt like I could breathe a little bit easier in the knowledge that thing could – and would – get better.
Autumn. Love it or hate it, its here. All the kids have now settled into the new academic year, and even the slackest of students are back in their digs and sleeping through those 9am lectures. Glossies everywhere are telling us that this is the time of year to start afresh, to re-affirm, and, in short, get our act together. Well, who am I to disagree? I too am back at college, studying social media every Saturday morning (yes, you read that right. Saturday. MORNING.) and today felt rather chastised when my tutor pointed out that I should be blogging more regularly. As in, in the same place. At least once a month. Ooops... So, here I am, and here is my updated website, with a direct link to my Etsy shop, amongst other things. Oh, and did I mention my new Facebook page? No? Well, click here to take a look – it’s in its infancy, but I shall be keeping in updated with all my news. Hurrah!
THE JUICEHere you will find my latest news, including what I have been up to and what I have been writing (and making). Hopefully you'll like what I have to say - and perhaps I will motivate you to get creative too... Archives
August 2015