Well, the weekend is nearly over, and I don't know about you lot but my thoughts are turning to the coming week. Whilst the 9-5 will no doubt dominate the next five days, I'm feeling newly motivated to get on with my creative pursuits. Why? Well, I've just had a rather inspiring weekend in Skegness. Yes, really... You see, my friend and fellow graduate of Visual Arts at Keele University, Laura Stamps, has put together a show of her work in the theatre at her seaside home town. Not only that, but she's managed to get it all together around the demands of her day job - and pulled it off with aplomb. I was really impressed by the professionalism of the show, down to the advert in the theatre's brochure, and the sheer amount of work she has created. In short, I'm damn proud of her - and perhaps a little bit envious too. But not as much as I am inspired... This week I have managed to do some creating myself. Whilst I'm still not 100% happy with the painting above, I'm rather chuffed with how my yoga mat bag turned out. Next week, however, I shall be returning my focus to the writing. My latest short story is poised for posting right here on the website and my top secret project is well and truly underway. Watch this space...
Anyway, I'm off to have a soak in the tub before calling it a night. All that sea air has taken it out of me! Laters :)
![]() Three minutes to go... I'm watching the World Cup Final, or rather have had it on whilst I natter to Lisa on the phone, finish painting my nails and do my ironing - all things I should have probably done a bit earlier on during my week off. Sadly a bad dose of tonsillitis left me with only a couple of days to get done every thing I had planned. ![]() I admit that feeling like I had a load of nails stuck down my throat, a bag of hot coals of my head and lead weights danging from my limbs for the first three days of my week off left me in a bit of a funk. But one thing that kept me going was thinking positively. One of my mates challenged me to post three positives a day on Facebook and, whilst it was a bit tricky when I felt unable to do much more than crawl from bed to bathroom and back again, I managed it. And, although as weeks off work go it could have been a lot better, I'm pretty pleased with what I have achieved, all things considered. Firstly, I finally finished my Peru collage. For ages I've been trying to figure out what to do with the background - the newspaper print on its own didn't really do it for me yet I couldn't get the addition of sky blue watercolour quite right. I tried to wash off what I had done - and quite liked the patchy effect, especially when the excess water was sponged up with a bit of kitchen roll. It's all about technique, you see... Then, I got my shower fixed - and for about £200 less than the first plumber had quoted me. Bearing in mind that this cowboy was also going to replace completely the wrong thing and would have left me £350 poorer and STILL without hot water, I'm pretty chuffed. ![]() But the thing that I'm really excited about is that I've finished the penultimate chapter of my second novel - which means I'm nearly done. In fact, I could have quite happily polished it off today, but was determined to get at least part of my kitchen painted (it was supposed to be a week of decorating, after all!) - which I did. And, despite the odd hiccup (let's just say the walls were NOT in a good state), I'm pleased with my progress and reckon I'll get it all done over the next two weekends. Then I only have four more rooms to go... So yeah, all in all, things are going pretty well - and this time next week I may well have finished the said novel, set a date to meet an editor about the first one (watch this space!) and have my kitchen done and dusted! Along with a handful of social engagements in the diary, next week is looking to be even more positive than this one. Just a shame I have to go back to work... |
THE JUICEHere you will find my latest news, including what I have been up to and what I have been writing (and making). Hopefully you'll like what I have to say - and perhaps I will motivate you to get creative too... Archives
August 2015